Individuals rooted and built up in Jesus Christ that walk in Him thrive in their faith (Colossians 2:1-7); Disciples set free by the Truth move mountains (John 8:31-32).

As the catalyst to eradicate homelessness in the Piedmont Triad, North Carolina, we are attacking the issue the same way a rat eats a snake, from both ends.

One end of the snake represents those who are in homelessness now, while the other end of the snake represents the younger generation we aim to keep from falling captive to homelessness.  Reducing homelessness on one end and keeping individuals from homelessness on the other end will eradicate homelessness altogether.

Jesus told His disciples that if they had the faith even as small as a mustard seed they could say to this mountain to move from here to there and it would move.  The truth is, each of have mountains in our lives that need to be moved from our lives so that we can live the abundant life Jesus came to give us.

There are mountains keeping individuals in homelessness.  There are mountains in the lives of our youth that if not moved put them at risk of homelessness.

By focusing on each individual through one-on-one discipleship, each person in homelessness can have a faith in Jesus Christ that will move the mountains in their lives that keep them in the homeless lifestyle.  Each young person can have a faith in Jesus Christ that moves mountains standing in their way toward a future of untold potential.  It will happen because Jesus said it will.  Say it won’t!