Faith That Moves is the catalyst to eradicate homelessness in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina.

The notion that individuals have to live in homelessness bound by addictions or even mental health issues, and cannot be rescued from homelessness is a lie.  The LORD told Abraham that nothing is too hard for Him, and that even though Abraham and Sarah were passed child bearing years, they would have a child (Exodus 18:9-15).  Jesus told His disciples (Matthew 19:23-26) and Mary the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38), and is telling us that nothing is impossible with God.

The devil comes to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us, which is why we find ourselves in the trouble we are in; Jesus came to give us life that we may have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Because what an individual faces in their physical world has its origin in the spiritual world, Faith That Moves focuses the individual on gaining victory in the spiritual world to affect what takes place in their physical world.

It’s at this point where Faith That Moves provides local churches a practical way in which to make known the multifaceted wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3:10).

That way is to use the process of discipleship which Jesus instituted to reach the nations.  When we take the things which we have learned and commit to faithful people, they teach others, resulting in heaven intervening in the lives of those involved;  helping individuals win the battles they face in the spiritual realm, to positively affect what takes place in their physical world, where those things that keep them in bondage to homelessness no longer have power over them.  Individuals can not only live the abundant life that Jesus has for them, but individuals then are empowered to rescue others out of their bondage through discipleship, then these disciples make other disciples and so on.

This is what we know:

The way to life is in the presence of the LORD (Psalm 16:11).  Jesus Christ is seated at God’s right hand, the place of dominance and ultimate authority (Ephesians 1:20-21). A person in relationship with Jesus Christ is seated with Him in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-6) and given a place of authority to receive and release the power of Jesus Christ in and through their life.

When we invite the presence of the LORD into our lives the church will display the wisdom of God to the unseen demonic forces (Ephesians 3:8-12).  The demonic forces have no authority when God is present with us; He makes our land a refreshing spring (Psalm 84:1-7), allowing the process of discipleship to set people free from bondage of the issues that keep them in homelessness (John 8:31-32).

Beginning with the end in mind, Faith That Moves seeks to bring glory to God!

That during this process and when homelessness is eradicated, all of us will see the LORD’s power, and proclaim the name of the LORD (Exodus 9:16); when people see the great work which the LORD has done, people will fear the LORD, and believe the LORD (Exodus 14:31).